Our psychological help falls under "Generalistische Basis GGZ".
For 2024 we have fixed contracts with all the big insurance companies in the Netherlands, such as:
- Achmea (including Zilveren Kruis, Interpolis, FBTO, Avéro, De Friesland Zorgverzekeraar)
- A.s.r. (including Ditzo, De Amersfoortse)
- Caresq (including Promovendum, Besured en National Academic)
- Coöperatie VGZ (including IZZ, Univé, IZA, UMC, VGZ Cares, Bewuzt)
- CZ (including Delta Lloyd, OHRA)
- Menzis (including Anderzorg)
- ONVZ, Eno/Salland, Zorg en Zekerheid
We will send the invoice directly to the above mentioned insurance companies, and the treatment will be fully covered. For this, you do need a referral letter from your family doctor (huisarts). If you haven´t used any other health care this year then your deductable (eigen risico) of your health insurance policy applies.
If we do not want the therapy to be covered by your health insurance, you can choose to pay the sessions yourself. If your problems are mostly work-related, you can consider asking your employer to finance (a part of) the sessions.